Dear friends,

Now that she is 2, Viola is extremely aware of everything around her.

Viola is a very independent, happy and energetic little girl.  She is great at playing on her own, and has a great imagination.  She spends lots of time playing with little figures of people and animals, and has them interacting and talking to one another.  She also loves stuffed animals, and carts them all over the place.  When we go out to run errands, or to visit someone, she has a little purse type bag that she fills with small toys and carries around with herself.  It works out well because she is always busy with something… mostly carrying the bag around, and on occasion the toys even come out of the purse as well.  Viola also has a wonderful sense of humor.  Already at this young age, she is very funny… and we laugh a lot!

Right now, the area in which she is most progressing is in her speech.  She repeats absolutely everything and is acquiring vocabulary at an amazing rate.  She also has a few English words, but mostly she speaks Hungarian.  There are a few words that she has verbal dyslexia with.  For example, “paplan” used to be “lappan”, and has now morphed into the more similar “pappan”.  Also, “sátor” she now often says correctly (sniff, sniff), but still sometimes comes out as “tátos”.  I used to really encourage her to say things correctly, but now when those words that she mispronounced are fixed, it is a little sad.  She’s growing up!

I have a great morning and a great afternoon class this year.  The Kindergarteners are learning fast, and are having fun at school... and GravityCube is seeing some action as well.

Well, that’s our news from our part of the world! May God bestow many blessings upon you and your family through this year!


Lili, Bandi and Viola
Those Wonderful Two's
| Viola's Life - Élete - 2005 |